Sue Begent, (NY, USA)

Sasha Lipskaia changed my life.

When I met her, I had been feeling stuck in my business (and my life) for a very long time.  In fact, I completely broke down in tears of desperation on a coaching call that she was leading;something I’d never done before.

Long before I had rebuilt any sense of confidence, or even hope, Sasha saw and spoke of so much more in me and my potential than I was able to grasp, and held a loving space for me both during and between our sessions that was the miracle for growth my soul required.

She guided me to find a deep hidden rage I needed to understand and work with, her channeled work giving me the exact perfect tools for insights and self-healing, both during and between sessions.  She was there for all my meltdowns, break throughs and wins.

I grew profoundly and continue to grow because of our time together.  

If you’re stuck.  If you need soul level guidance.  If you’re ready for new level of relationship with your being and potential, and to be held, with love, through all of it, I wholeheartedly recommend Sasha.

-Sue Begent, Soul Business mentor to healers, coaches and therapists.

Sasha Lipskaia